alina lopez goes for an bishops interview an alina lopez story

126   1 year ago
puretaboo | 1 subscriber
126   1 year ago
Alina Lopez is a young girl who lives in the small town of San Juan Bautista, California. She has always been an outgoing person and she loves to help others. Her family has lived in this area for many generations and her great-grandfather was one of the founders of the town. She is currently a senior at St. Joseph High School where she is on the track team and plays softball for her school’s team as well.

Her favorite subject to teach is math because it helps people understand how numbers work, which can be hard for some people to grasp. “I love teaching math because I know that it will make someone’s day when they finally get it!” Alina said with a smile on her face while recalling one of her students who had struggled with understanding fractions but after working with him he was able to grasp them perfectly! “I also love helping my students improve their writing skills by giving them practice papers or worksheets so that they can see what they need to work on” she continued saying that helping someone improve their writing skills makes her happy because she knows that they will be able to

Alina’s favorite subject to learn is history because it helps her understand how the world came to be and why we are where we are today. “I love history because it gives me a sense of pride knowing that I am part of something bigger than myself” she said while recalling one of her teachers who had inspired her by teaching about the Spanish colonization and its impact on the world. “History also teaches me that no matter what happens in life, there will always be a way out” she continued saying that this has helped her through some tough times in life and has helped keep her positive even when things seem bleak.

Her hobbies include playing softball, hanging out with friends, going to church with family, reading books, watching movies or TV shows like The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones (she loves fantasy), listening to music and dancing around the house. She also enjoys volunteering at local animal shelters helping take care of animals until they can find homes for them. Her favorite animal shelter is called Animal Care Center because they have so many different kinds of animals from all over California! She especially loves taking care animals like dogs and cats because they just want love! “I think my future plans would be getting a job after high school so I can help support my family but I would also like to go back to school for nursing or psychology” she said while looking into the future with excitement knowing that she could help

Her favorite subjects in school are math, science and English because she loves learning about the world around her. She also enjoys history because it teaches her so much about the past and how it has affected today’s society. “I would like to be a nurse or psychologist because I love helping people and I think that those jobs would be very fulfilling for me” she said with a smile on her face knowing that she could help others who are going through tough times.

She is looking forward to attending college after high school so that she can become a nurse or psychologist to help others like herself who have been through what she has been through. She wants to help them get better by giving them medication when they need it or just by talking with them until they feel better! “I want to make sure that other kids know that there is always hope no matter what situation you are in, there will always be a way out” said Alyssa while looking into the future with excitement knowing that things will work out for her one day!


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